Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Homer's Odyssey-- relation to big question

Homer's epic tale describes little peace. The story is filled with gore and struggle, Odysseus' homeward journey a constant battle. To answer my question using The Odyssey, I assume the Greek gods to be in full control of human events. They may therefore be seen as a form of government. There are instances where the gods help foster peace and others which challenge it. On the crew's first stop, a giant Cyclopes is encountered named Polyphemus. Trapped in his lair, the men will surely suffer horrible ends (and some are unlucky enough to actually meet this fate). Odysseus and his crew eventually stab the monster in the eye, blinding the Cyclopes so that they can escape undetected. Poseidon, the father of Polyphemus, unleashes a series of adversities which inhibit Odysseus' homeward journey in response to what the Greeks have done. From this, it may be concluded that government can actually foster conflict. The peace is not kept with Poseidon's involvement in earthly affairs. On the other side, Athena provokes the establishment of peace once Odysseus and Telemakhos start the fight against Penelope's insolent suitors. The goddess aids father and son in their quest to drive out the men who have plundered Odysseus' estate. Although she does not partake directly in the battle, she helps Odysseus disguise himself so that he can infiltrate his home and destroy the opposition. These actions create a peace that Ithaca has not witnessed since the return of all the other Akhaens from Troy. From this perspective, government may play a key role in in the creation of peace. Like Rand's Anthem, The Odyssey supports both sides to my big question. We must see that government has the awesome power to both create and destroy peace.


  1. Does "government" include the will and ability to "self govern"?

    What is the relationship between leadership (the ability to govern)and government (the body that governs)?

  2. I define government and self government in the same way. I see government as any force which can dictate the will of an individual, whether it be self derived or a more conventional panel of experts. Leadership and government are two different things. Governments lead-- it's their job. Your mind governs your body, so I say it leads it.
